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Salance: E-commerce, redefined…

October 23, 2023
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E-commerce, the digital revolution that powers businesses globally. The future of your business is at your fingertips. But, you don't want your online store just to be another face in the crowd now, do you?

Enter Salance, a groundbreaking e-commerce platform by the team at Unwir (more about us in a bit).

'Oh, ANOTHER e-commerce platform 🙄': this might be you. Well, Salance is NOT your typical online store builder; Salance is the key to unlocking a powerful and personalized digital platform to take your 'baby' from 0 to a 100 (real quick). Not sure? Come as we take you through an enticing journey about Salance and how it will revolutionize your business.

Why do you even need Salance?

Good question. So we have the correct answers for you.

  • Fight competition with competition: The ever-evolving technology ensures that your competition in the business world is getting stronger, day-by-day. Now, it won't be a good idea to be left behind. Salance will be your hero; let Salance do the hard work of making your online store stand out and be a beacon of attraction for your customers and customers to be.
  • Performance is king: Hate slow-loading websites and buggy applications? Your customers will do too. Don't lose sleep (or sales) over it. Salance got you covered with a fast-loading, responsive, and performance-enhanced experience for you and your customers.
  • No security breaches here: We get you; One trivial security concern and there goes the trust you build up with your customers. No need to fret, Salance incorporates robust security measures and got you covered from secure payments to encrypted data. Talk about safeguarding you, your business, and your customers, eh?
  • It's not just shopping, it's an experience: Don't fall into the abyss of having difficult navigation, a confusing checkout process, and whatnot. Salance brings the smoothest experience to your customers, let Salance take care of you and your customers.

The birth of Salance: A story in itself

Let us walk you through a fascinating tale of how the idea of Salance came into place. It all began with a group of passionate individuals, who were tired of the rigid, complicated, and not-so-user-friendly e-commerce solutions. Meet Team Unwir (as promised earlier), the thinkers behind Salance;

  • Layan Jayasighe: Our tech-master mind with a passion for creating an everlasting online experience

  • Navindu Amarakoon: The master designer and the marketing genius behind Salance

  • Menake Jayasundara: The critical-thinking mega-mind

  • Sankhaja Hapukotuwa: The connector of all 'rivers'

Our vision is simple and clear: create an e-commerce platform that goes above and beyond the ordinary, providing businesses with the keys to thriving in the ever-evolving digital landscape. We are here to empower businesses, large and small, to tap into the potential of online commerce and provide a seamless and personalized shopping experience.

Be the first in line for Salance

Who's the one we hear can't wait to get their hands on Salance? We've got you covered! We are excited to announce the launch of Salance's exclusive waitlist, your golden ticket to a future of unparalleled, unmatched e-commerce excellence. Join our waitlist, and be among the first to experience the power of Salance.

How can you join?

It is a breeze. Here is how you can secure a spot.

  • Visit the Salance website
  • Find the waitlist section (it is hard to miss)
  • Enter your email, click the button, and viola, you are good as golden!

What's in it for you?

You have entered into a world of exciting incentives and benefits.

  • Early bird: Be among the first to get your hands on Salance, when the 'rocket' is officially launched.
  • Priority support: Enjoy priority support from our expert team!
  • Today's price is not yesterday's price: Receive special discounts from us when you upgrade to paid packages of Salance!

Don't miss this opportunity to be a pioneer in the world of digital commerce. Join our waitlist today and be a part of the Salance revolution. Together, we'll redefine the future of e-commerce.

Get ready to unlock the potential of Salance and take your online business to new heights. Join the waitlist and embark on a journey toward digital commerce excellence. We can't wait to have you on board!